Dlaczego "piraci z kosmosu"

Nazwa "Piraci z kosmosu" powstała z pomysłu najmniejszego członka naszego klanu a zarazem naszego przywódce ,któremu spadł on z nieba.Narazie jestesmy najliczniejszym klanem.

Xenosaga coming to PS3?

Square Enix may be brining the popular game to PS3, of course this is just filler content, so stuff I type in here is generally not true or accurate in the least bit. You shouldnt even be reading...

Xenosaga coming to PS3?

Square Enix may be brining the popular game to PS3, of course this is just filler content, so stuff I type in here is generally not true or accurate in the least bit. You shouldnt even be reading...

Xenosaga coming to PS3?

Square Enix may be brining the popular game to PS3, of course this is just filler content, so stuff I type in here is generally not true or accurate in the least bit. You shouldnt even be reading...

Capcom announces next-gen lineup
February 21, 2006
In a press release today, capcom announced its plans for next-gen saying it may release several well know titles to sony’s monster system. Games that we may see are: MegaMan, Street...

Capcom announces next-gen lineup
February 21, 2006
In a press release today, capcom announced its plans for next-gen saying it may release several well know titles to sony’s monster system. Games that we may see are: MegaMan, Street...

Capcom announces next-gen lineup
February 21, 2006
In a press release today, capcom announced its plans for next-gen saying it may release several well know titles to sony’s monster system. Games that we may see are: MegaMan, Street...

Ads will be in here.
Władcy oceaanów
"Po bogactwo, uznanie, Po przygody i pamięć Na wrogów zgubę, I "Władców" chlubę
Perfect Dark
This is just filler text, its a smaller size font than normal, it's 10px.
The Black Pearl Crew
Piętnastu chłopa na Umrzyka skrzyni ho aj ho i w butelce rum
Jeszcze niema
Z powodów nieuruchomienia systemu ataku.
Jeszcze niema
Z powodów nieuruchomienia systemu ataku.
Jeszcze niema
Z powodów nieuruchomienia systemu ataku.
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